My wife Sue and I have been members at FBT less than three years.
Anyone who examines the growth and accomplishments of this ministry cannot help but see the providential hand of God. When His word is preached, believed and followed, as it has been for all these decades, great things can and do happen. When we were growing up we never heard much about the core doctrines of the Bible in our previous church experience (the Rapture, Revelation, the explicitly stated Gospel). That was more than sixty years ago! Can you imagine what’s being preached in those same progressive churches today?
Sue and I may not have known exactly what we were looking for, but we knew it when we found it. It was God that brought us here and got us back to Him after too long a separation. Your warm greetings and genuine concern when we visited made a huge impression on us. God’s truth was being preached and we needed and longed to hear it. After we visited a few times, we joined the church and were properly baptized, by immersion rather than our childhood sprinkling.
So many good things have resulted from that decision. We have met and formed genuine, warm, caring relationships with dozens of people who are now part of our lives as we are part of theirs. We look forward to attending every church service as we know we will be learning and growing in Christ. We have opportunities to serve the Lord by giving back to Him things He has given us such as love, time, talents and physical possessions. We regularly read the Bible and discuss its truth that increases our love and knowledge of Him…and each other. We have an internal peace even as the chaos of the world swirls around us. We better recognize that all men are our brothers and need to be loved and treated with kindness and respect, especially when we don’t feel so inclined. We are content with a more simple lifestyle and enjoy what we have. We had what we thought was a good marriage before we came to Christ, but with Him it is even better. He has opened our eyes in so many ways.
We give thanks to God for His many blessings in our life, this church being a major one. I invite you to come to FBT and be blessed like Sue and I have been!