Years ago we found ourselves at rock bottom. We were both addicted to heroin, I was pregnant, and had nowhere to go in our drug addiction and selfishness. He closed all the doors, except Florence. We even tried to go to Mississippi in order to avoid God’s plan, but that door closed too. Now, we can see His hand perfectly moving us here.
My sister lived here and was willing to take us in. When we arrived some family and friends from FBT explained the gospel of Jesus Christ to us and by the grace of God Justin accepted Christ! I was saved at 17 and there was a very visible change; however I was never discipled and just kept holding on to the world’s way of doing things until it nearly destroyed my life.
At this point Justin went into the Men’s House of Hope, and I went to the Women’s program. We then got plugged into Florence Baptist Temple and the addiction program, Reformers Unanimous. God gave us people who truly walked with us and helped us learn and grow. We were taught how to read and study the Bible – and most of all pray. As we did this we started to understand the love of Jesus more and more! God was helping us be transformed into His image.
God gave us people who truly walked with us and helped us learn and grow. We were taught how to read and study the Bible – and most of all pray.
At this point in time, we have 7 years of victory in Christ! God has given us 4 beautiful, healthy children who are being taught about Him. He has blessed us with a successful business, and I am able to stay at home with the kids. Our greatest joy is telling others about Him!
We are so far from perfect, but every day we are thankful for what He is doing in our lives. It truly is a blessed life to get to know and experience God, Psalm 1.