FBT Sports

FBT Sports provides a fun, Christ-centered, athletic experience that is family friendly. We teach the fundamentals of the sport, share the Gospel of Jesus, and encourage sportsmanship to boys and girls from 4K through 7th Grade.


Weather Update/Cancellations

No weather updates at this time.


Registration is CLOSED for the 2025 season.

FBT Sports Soccer


(4k – 7th grade)
Registration Begins June 13th


Registration will begin March 13th, 2025.

Serve with FBT Sports!


Every sport requires quality men and women that lead our players in having fun, developing core fundamentals, and teaching respect towards one another.  Here’s what is required to be an FBT Sports Coach or Coach Assistant:

  1. Attend coach training meetings, practices, and games.
  2. Serve with other coaches on your team.
  3. Communicate to your team and their parents.
  4. Abide by the rules of our league.
  5. Lead a 1 – 1 1/2 hour practice, once a week, that develops fundamental skills using provided drills.
  6. Conclude each practice with a provided Bible devotion and prayer.
  7. Coach a 1-hour game on Saturdays.

Interested? Complete the Coach Application ASAP.  Once your application is sent, you will be informed about upcoming training meetings, receive a coach manual with drills and devotions, and be given access to online tools.

A coach application for all of our sports can be filled out HERE


A referee possesses the highest level of authority on the athletic field.  This allows the referee to make binding calls upon the game.  Coaches and players are taught to respect these decisions with right responses.  A referee should not abuse this authority, but instead model the example of Jesus Christ by using this authority to serve others.  In this way, referees and coaches can provide a great game-day experience that pleases the Lord.

Sports is one part of our society where a child can experience an immediate consequence for breaking a rule.  A referee must blow their whistle loudly for play to stop, and clearly state the penalty. Training is provided to know and understand all rules. Contact Cris to be a referee.

Setup Crew

A dedicated group of men arrive early and stay late so that our coaches and players have everything they need to compete in athletics.  Volunteers are needed for practices and games.  Setup includes sound equipment, field preparation, sports equipment, and more.

Contact Cris if you are interested.


Your child must be at least 4 years old before the first practice in order to participate. Our practices are 1 or 1 1/2-hour, once a week, from 6 – 7 or 7:30 PM. Games are 1-hour on Saturday mornings. All activities occur on the property of the Florence Baptist Temple at 2308 South Irby Street.