FBT Kids
Sunday School (9:15am)
Age graded groups from 1st-5th Grade allow for personal encounters and relationship building. Children learn very quickly that they are loved and appreciated. Fun activities, Scripture memory, and age appropriate Bible lessons make a lasting impression.
Kids Worship (10:30am)
Every child learns differently. Our large group worship experience engages their minds through music, video, skits, student involvement, gospel magic, Bible teaching and personal application. We meet in the FBT Gym.
Kids Praise Choir
Wednesdays at 6:00pm (in A-114)
Children 4K – 5th Grade are invited to join us and learn about God, music, and how to sing praises to Him!
FBT Kids Goals
According to George Barna’s survey results on worldview in the USA, “What you believe by the time you are 13 is what you will die believing.” A worldview is the way you filter all experiences and information in order to choose a response. As a result, we are a people that do what we believe. It is critical that the mind and hearts of children begin early to be shaped by God and His Word. At the Florence Baptist Temple, we want to form a biblical worldview within every child.
FBT Kids Goals